Pick up lines are most commonly used as opening games from ages. In the world of romance, they are a tried and tested formula for starting a conversation with a stranger. The pick up lines can be playful, fun, flirty, and even cheesy. If you are after someone who happens to be a nurse, you have ended up on the right page.
On this page, we have come up with Pick Up Lines For Nurses that will help you melt their hearts. Nurses as we know are very compassionate and caring beings on earth. They too should be reciprocated with love and cared for. If you are interested in a nurse and want to ask her on a date, you can use these pick up lines that we gave presented here vividly.
Pick Up Lines For Nurses
If you fall for a nurse who has treated you and cared for you when you are sick, there is no need to worry much. You can actually make the relationship work and take it to the next level by following certain rules of dating. If you happen to date at the workplace, which is not professionally allowed in most hospital settings, you have to consider using Nurse Pick Up Lines through messaging. You can share your feelings with the nurse you are attracted to with these pick up lines and even get a date without much effort.

Often we tend to like people that care for us, irrespective of who they are and what they do. One of the kind and caring professions is nursing and many young women join nursing to serve the ill. If you are someone who feels for a nurse and wants to express to her how you feel, here is our Pick Up Line For Nurses. You can use these pick up lines extensively to grab the attention of her. These pick up lines are very kind and compassionate too, so you need not worry about the outcome.
If you are a nurse yourself and have love notes for your colleague, you must be wondering how to place your proposal before her/him. You need not give much thought to it as we have our Best Pick Up Lines For Nurses covered here for you. These pick up lines will help you groom your mind in a way that you get all that you want to put your feelings fearlessly before the nurse you love.
I am developing astigmatism. But when I’m with you I can see clearer.
Are you my appendix? Because I don’t understand how you work, but this feeling in my stomach makes me want to take you out.
Are you drowning? Because I’m feeling the urge to give you CPR.
I think I might need some Vitamin U!
I’m not sure what’s wrong with me. Can you do a little diagnosis?
You must be a nurse because you have the gentlest touch that melts away all my pain.
Do you have an inhaler? You took my breath away.
I don’t want to get better because that would mean I’d never see you again.
When I think of you, my blood turns red, my cyanosis makes my fingertips blue, and I get tachycardia.
You take care of me so well, I’m sure you’ll be an honest dad to our youngsters.
I don’t want an apple a day, because I don’t want you to go away.
You must be the cure for Alzheimer’s, because you’re unforgettable.
Do I have to get critically injured or ill to see you again, or can I just call you?
Are you a nurse? ‘Cause you just gave me a shot of adrenaline.
Are You A Nurse? Because You’ve Got The Perfect Dosage Of Kindness And Compassion.
So, whether you are a nurse looking for the right time and words to express your feelings, or an outsider who has fallen head over heels in love with a nurse, you are good to use the pick up lines for nurses that we have uploaded on this page. These pick up lines are sure to aid you in taking your relationship forward on a positive note. If you find our collection of pick up lines for nurses useful in any way, do add our website – 99pickuplines.net to the bookmarks list and stay tuned for more interesting articles.